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Home Selling and Buying with Confidence. 

Every year around 300,000 property sales collapse. We believe this is unfair. Gazeal, together with leading industry bodies are pushing for a change.

Thousands of Home Movers helped and over £4 billion worth of property transactions processed. 

Trusted by thousands of Estate Agents across the country

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We save you time, money, and unnecessary stress.

Our unique Reservation process provides a Commitment to the terms agreed by the Buyer and the Seller, that Gazeal guarantees, so both parties can proceed in the safest way possible. This ensures a fair and efficient process for all involved, offering protection against anyone who may not be truly committed.


The Old Way of Moving Home is Broken...

On average a property sale collapses every 2 minutes*. With the cost of living and inflation rising, things are tough enough, your home move does not need to be.

Everybody loses when a house sale collapses- sellers, buyers, agents and solicitors. 

*Data provided by TwentyEA

1 in 3

Property sales fall through every year in normal conditions. 

Source: The Times


Property transactions collapse each year.

Source: TwentyEA



Average money lost by home movers due to sale collapsing. 

Source: House Buyer Bureau



Property sales collapsed during uncertain economic conditions. 

Source: House Buyer Bureau

A Faster And More Secure Home Moving Process

It costs everybody time and money when a house sale collapses. Not to mention stress and heartache. Keep your home move protected with Gazeal's Reservation Agreement. Watch the video below to see how Gazeal can help Sellers, Buyers and Estate Agents.  

Listed for sale
Seller provides Commitment and exclusivity to their Buyer.
Reservation agreement
Buyer matches the seller's commitment. The sale is secured with a Reservation and a Guarantee.
Committed parties enjoy a stress-free sale

Moving Home doesn't have to be stressful.

I am Selling

Protect my Sale from Gazundering

Gazundering is when a buyer suddenly reduces their offer or tries to negotiate a lower price for a property just before the sale is completed. In simple words, it's like changing your mind and demanding a discount at the last moment, which can be frustrating and unfair for the seller but is totally legal.

  • Protect my agreed price.
  • Shorten time to Exchange.
  • Increase the chances of moving the first time. 
  • Receive £ 000's* if your sale collapses.

Learn more
I am Buying

Protect my Purchase from Gazumping

Gazumping is when a seller accepts an offer from one buyer but then accepts a higher offer from another buyer, even though the first buyer thought the deal was already agreed upon. It's like changing your mind and selling something to someone else for more money, which can be hugely unfair for the original Buyer but is totally legal.
Secures the property exclusively for you. 
  • Shorten the time to Exchange. 
  • Increase the chance of moving the first time. 
  • Receive £ 000's* if your purchase collapses.
Learn more
I am Selling & Buying

Protect my Chain from Collapsing

You are in a chain if you are dependent on the sale of any property to fund your purchase.

  • Secures both your sale and purchase. 
  • Shorten the time to Exchange. 
  • Increase the chance of moving the first time. 
  • Receive £ 000's* if your move collapses.
Learn more


Free Forever. As long as you hustle. No credit card required
  • We create amazing digital products.
  • We create amazing digital products.
  • We create amazing digital products.
  • We create amazing digital products.
  • We create amazing digital products.
I am an Agent

Protect my Customers and my Agency. 

Join our growing network and offer a unique proposition to your customers, lower the amount of time spent on reselling fall throughs and sales progression. Help your customers reach the exchange of contracts faster.

  • Protect your pipeline from fall-throughs.
  • Win more listings.
  • Stand out from your competition.
  • Increased client satisfaction.

We are committed to improving the home moving process for Sellers, Buyers and Estate Agents. 


Lowest fall through rate in the country. 


£4 bn

Worth of property transaction processed


Decrease in transaction failure rate. 



Home movers helped move greater security and peace of mind. 


Gazumping & Gazundering is all over the news...

Every year thousands of Sellers and Buyers lose valuable time and money. This continues to be a serious problem for anyone looking to move home. Using Gazeal will protect your move from uncertainty and save you time, money and more importantly give you peace of mind.  

The Telegraph
‘I gazundered my property seller and got £20,000 off the asking price’

The tough negotiating tactic that causes upset to sellers is on the rise. As the housing market wobbles and mortgage costs escalate, one in three home sellers has been gazundered, a study by House Buying Bureau, a home buyer, found. It discovered increasing evidence of buyers lowering offers, sometimes within days of contracts being exchanged.

This is Money
'We lost a £25,000 deposit... and our dream home: The return of Gazumping means buyers are risking handing over lump sums to 'secure properties.'

Despite these cooling market conditions, there remains an air of stubbornness amongst the nation’s sellers who are yet to fully accept this change in market temperature and, as a result, almost a third are being gazundered with a lower offer having originally agreed a price with their buyer.

Daily Mail
'Gazumping is back! Call for action as two in five house sales are hijacked by higher bidders'.

More than a third of buyers said they had paid over the asking price for a home, with an average overpayment of £16,000.

Gazumping is currently legal in the UK as the ‘agreement of purchase’ is not legally binding until contracts have been exchanged.

But ‘gazumped’ buyers often lose hundreds of pounds already paid out to surveyors, solicitors and mortgage brokers.

More than two thirds of people who have bought or tried to buy or planned to buy a house in the past 12 months want gazumping made illegal, the survey found.

The Times
Why do we buy and sell in a way that seems only to encourage gazumping, gazundering and panic?

Why do we buy and sell property in a way that seems only to encourage gazumping, gazundering and last-minute panics that leave people stranded and out of pocket? The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government puts the cost of sales falling through at £270m a year. 

Property Industry Eye
Gazundering is back as purchasers reduce offers by thousands.

A survey of 2,000 people by campaign group the HomeOwners Alliance, BLP Insurance and Resi.co.uk architects found that some 45 per cent of people were concerned about this relatively recent phenomenon - up from 40 per cent last year.

Evening Standard
Requesting sellers slash an agreed price just before exchange, without valid cause, might be immoral — but it is not illegal.

House buyers in London are ‘gazundering’ sellers by demanding thousands off an agreed sale price just before an exchange is about to take place.

According to property experts this latest wave of gazundering, also called ‘price chipping’, is gathering pace as the housing market slowly begins to respond to the UK’s wider economic problems.

Highly Rated by Home Movers and Estate Agents. 

Gazeal approved Agent

"I have now used Gazeal a number of times and can admit, that without them a sale would have fallen through without the reservation agreement and support of Gazeal"

Scott Donovan

"We wanted to make our bid stand out from the crowd, so we offered to enter into a Gazeal Reservation Agreement, which would therefore give the seller the assurance that we would go ahead with the purchase and us the assurance that they would go ahead with the sale - anyone who has bought a house before is likely to have experienced the frustration of the deal falling through, and we wanted to guarantee that no-one would be wasting their time or spending money unnecessarily with their solicitors."

A C Somerset

"The team at Gazeal are amazing, Gazeal is the way forward in UK agency. For 30 years I have waited for conveyancing to improve-agents
need to embrace Gazeal and drag conveyancers kicking and screaming into the present"

Shaun Adams

"Since partnering with Gazeal. I've seen a significant improvement in the speed and accuracy of our transactions. The platform has helped us to reduce the risk of failed transactions, and has given our clients greater peace of mind throughout the process".

Alex Knight

The Reservation agreement took a lot of the stress out of the process and I only wish our buyers had signed one (because a few days before the exchange they wanted to renegotiate the purchase price which was incredibly stressful).In future, I would be nervous about getting into a chain with anyone reluctant to sign up for such an agreement as it suggests they may not be fully committed. So in short, they are an excellent idea for the serious seller/buyer and I only wish they were in law to make this whole process less of a gamble.

Industry awards